Being Content with Your Content: Planning Principles

Choices, choices. Whether you’re running an e-commerce platform, a blog, or a corporate website, the process of adding new content is a critical aspect of keeping your online presence relevant and effective. However, in the rush to populate websites with fresh material, many overlook the significance of a strategic and systematic approach to content planning. Without a well-thought-out strategy, adding content can become a haphazard endeavor that fails to meet its intended goals.

In this article, we will delve into the essential planning principles for adding new content to your website. Understand your audience and define your goals. Craft high-quality content and optimize it for search engines. These are the key steps that can help you not only maintain an up-to-date website but also ensure that each new piece of content contributes meaningfully to your online success.

Back to Basics

Even if you have an arsenal of valuable content already, it pays to remember what you are trying to achieve with your web content. When we say web content in this context, we man your knowledge-base, periodicals, media, and other posts that convey your brand without explicitly stating your value proposition.

If you don’t regularly post content, you might be missing out on organic web traffic. The more you cover in your realm of expertise, the more likely someone searching for your answers will find you.

On the topic of organizations, if you host events, talk about them! Discuss the issues in the world that your organization is helping alleviate. Provide insight into 3rd party resources for your visitors so they keep coming back to you, the curator.

Planning Principles

Getting into the details, once you (re)establish the purpose of your content, the next step is to figure out how to regularly engage your visitors in a meaningful and constructive way.

  1. Keyword Research: Conduct keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic search terms related to your business. Incorporate these keywords into your website’s content to improve SEO.
  2. Content Pillars and Clusters: Plan content pillars (cornerstone content) and content clusters (related subtopics) to create a well-structured and SEO-friendly website.
  3. Content Calendar: Create a calendar to schedule content creation, ensuring a consistent flow of fresh insights for your audience.
  4. Call-to-Action Optimization: Strategically place clear and compelling CTAs throughout your content to guide visitors toward desired actions.
  5. Storytelling through Content: Develop a content strategy that incorporates storytelling to humanize your brand and connect emotionally with your audience.


Be sure to leverage your analytics tools to evaluate your content’s effectiveness in growing your website as a revenue-generating asset. Give your content time to propagate to search engines, for newsletters to be opened, and for discovery on social media. Over time, you’ll find your messaging improve in consistency, and this will help you build upon it for future engagement.

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